Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm having trouble understanding endothermic against

I'm having trouble understanding endothermic to exothermic, after consideration of Notes / video in Chad. I hope someone can clarify this for me

From my understanding of the generation of chemical Chad video synthesis / anabolic reactions exothemic, because they release energy when the molecules are formed, but rather catabolic reactions endothermic, because they require energy expenditure, to break the bonds. I understand that. There are various peptide bonds? Because from my understanding that when two amino acids come together, they form peptydnuyu link through dehydration lasix 20 mg daily / condensation reaction, and by hydrolysis, two amino acids may separate spontaneously (in the presence of water .. but no energy is required).3 ad anabolic xtreme thank you! I just wanted to clarify that catabolic reactions, as breathing is exothermic (you break down glucose and release energy) and anabolic reactions of photosynthesis, as endothermic (energy you need to build large molecules that hold more potential energy than smaller molecules). I know you already knew that, but only if the message LOL =]: thumbup:.

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