Friday, February 24, 2012

Non-smokers with emphysema are rare cases


Symptoms, risk factors and treatment

are markers of respiratory infections that can occur several times a day or only several times a month. Signs of emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be easily taken for granted, but in reality can be very serious and life threatening. Emphysema is defined as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,

air sacs in the lungs deteriorates, resulting in shortness of breath and reduced lung capacity. In the United States, 3. 7000000 people are reported to have emphysema. This is a widespread respiratory failure in people aged 45 years and above. Shortness of breath, one of the major, usually associated with smoking. The risk of emphysema increases with continued smoking. Non-smokers with emphysema are rare cases that result in inherited deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin, a protein synthesized by the liver to protect lung tissue. However, the impact of air pollution, tobacco smoke, chemical fumes and dust may contribute to the development of emphysema in nonsmokers. Emphysema symptoms develop over time and can become severe if left untreated. The proposed emphysema treatments include taking anti-inflammatory drugs, wanting to stop smoking therapy with bronchodilators and participation in the pulmonary rehabilitation, making coughing and other breathing exercises. With the change in lifestyle, such as away from the cold air and respiratory irritants, giving up smoking, exercise regularly wash their hands, etc., can slow the disease progression. Other complications and additional signs of emphysema

also decreased with this change in lifestyle. Emphysema Risk Factors There are some factors that tend to increase the risk of acquiring emphysema. These risk factors include:

Prolonged exposure to air pollution, dust particles or chemical fumes;

occupations involving work with coal, textiles, or cattle;

smoking and inhaling smoke. Emphysema symptoms of emphysema most common symptoms are shortness of breath and wheezing.immune system skin Other common symptoms include chest pain, cough with yellow or transparent mucus, wheezing (whistling sound heard while breathing), rapid breathing (tachypnea), clubbing of hands and feet due to thickening of the tissue under the nail bed and fatigue. In general symptoms are also serious >> << emphysema symptoms, signs of a fatal conditions. Life-threatening symptoms include:

breathing and lasix 40 mg iv respiratory diseases such as choking, stop from breathing, etc. Treatment Emphysema Emphysema Treatment begins with seeking medical advice from a doctor. The ultimate goal of treatment is to improve breathing, treated, etc. But severe cases that do not respond to treatment to surgical removal or transplantation of lungs. As they say, BЂњPrevention better than cure. BЂ "The risk of developing symptoms of emphysema

remove irritants home fire including dust, smoke and steam, and

Take all intended medications. If you have any discussed in this article, immediately seek help from their family doctor. .

1 comment:

  1. I currently lives in Ohio mow,I was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) and my husband was diagnosed with parkinson disease in 2011.Since then i have tried quitting smoking and taken many types of Bronchodilators and Short-Acting bronchodilators also tried Spiriva but not of it has helped.and my husband was unable to walk because of parkinson disease,our life was full of sorrow and pain,i was planning of going for lungs transplant,before a friend introduced me to Dr Abumere herbal medicine,my friend told me Abumere herbal medicine cured his family of different kinds of diseases such HEPATITIS B,COPD,HERPES AND PARKINSON, i was so shocked when he told me ,so i decided to call two members of his family to confirm what he told me,the answer i got from his family member matched with his own story ,so i decided to try ,so i contacted Dr Abumere herbal medicine via their email,,so they replied and said their herbal medicine will cure me and my husband totally from COPD and parkinson within 25-30days of usage ,i was so happy,so i purcahsed the herbal medicine,which they sent to my home address,when we received the herbal medicine,we used as instructed,after 30days of usage,there was a lot of changes,my husband was able to walk,so we decided to see the doctor to confirm if we are really free from the disease ,i was like a dream when the doctor confirm that am COPD FREE and my husband PARKINSON FREE,everybody out there help me thank perfect
