Friday, February 24, 2012

If this process gets drunk through mutation

Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body. Our immune system is designed so that the difference between themselves and self-propelled, but what happens if the immune system is wrong? When this happens, the immune system attacks healthy body, because he believes that the agent (germ) and harmful, even if it is not. This is called autoimmune, automatic means themselves, so

autoimmunity is an immune response against itself. In an autoimmune reaction damages the body it is called an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are rare. Scientists are still fully DONT understand why the immune system does this, and why only some people suffer and others do not, but there is a significant amount of evidence that shows that both genetics and environment play an important role. Reasons Autoimunnist genetics is important to determine who is likely to develop autoimmune disease. For example, children who have parents or grandparents with type I diabetes are more likely to develop disease than those who did not. Why is this happening? Sometimes, mutations in genes that are important for the immune system can lead to making mistakes. These mutations are passed on to future generations, and the cycle continues. What mutations can cause autoimmune? Thats, the big question. When T cells develop, your body eliminates T-cells that bind to the antigens themselves too much. If this process gets drunk through mutation, your body will allow T cells to self-reactive (ie, antigens that bind to themselves and get activated) to mature and enter the bloodstream! Or what happens if you are immune cells that are got, but have a mutation that prevents them off? Typically, your body stops fighting when the disease started. Since no more germs, no embryo antigens around to activate the immune system. Sometimes, however, immune cells can receive the signal to turn off.

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These cells are hyperactive, and although they began to fight with the embryo, they can harm your own fabric! Once the autoimmune reaction begins, it is almost impossible for your body to stop it. Why? Since the antigen, the cells are always fighting about - part of it, that man! For example, in type I diabetes, the immune system believes that the beta cells of the pancreas is not self-propelled and destroys them. Well, our bodies are constantly regenerating our tissues, so that the body continues to try to make more cells of the pancreas. In the pancreas cells around autoreaktivnyh immune cells think the embryo is still there, so they continue to fight! In this disease, as it always happens, it is called chronic. Things in our environment can cause autoimmune. T cells and B cells correspond to the form of their receptors in the form of embryonic antigens. What if the fetus had a form of antigen, which was very similar to one of our autoantyhenov? Then T cells or may confuse our healthy tissues of the embryo and destroy it! It can also happen if drugs, toxins or other chemical has a form close to their antigen. What are examples of autoimmune diseases? There lasix 14 mg are more than 80 different types of immune disorders, but some of the most common is systemic lupus erythematosus, thyroid, Mutliple sclerosis, arthritis, celiac disease and Type I diabetes, and many others. Some of these diseases affect only a particular organ or tissue in the body because they are localized, while others can affect the whole body are called systemic. Localized disease attacking specific body parts, such as tissues and joints, nervous system, blood and pancreas, for example. Metabolism, muscle movement, brain functionthese only some of the basic functions of suits that may be affected by autoimmune disorders. Body strongly interconnected system, as only a body or individual system under attack, autoimmune diseases can damage and destroy many other body functions. Autoimmune diseases tend to be more common among women than in men. About 75% of autoimmune diseases affecting women. Some scientists believe that women have a more complex immune system than men and therefore are more prone to complications, many of which can be enrolled during pregnancy. .

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