Friday, February 24, 2012

The researchers found that" drugs are

FDA directed the national announcement of lasix drug the "possible side effects of osteoporosis drugs like Fosamax [alendronate]." Agency, "said his message ... physicians should watch for the opportunity the risk of hip fractures. This is not only to the Fosamax, this applies to all four drugs that are in this group Fosamax, Actonel [ryzedronat] Boniva [ibandronat] and Reclast [zoledronovoyi acid]. "

Research shows that some bone in postmenopausal women taking bisphosphonates ... to prevent osteoporosis can stop rejuvenating and become brittle after extended use. "The researchers found that" drugs are effective in slowing bone loss at first, "and" quality of bone is reduced after long-term use of bisphosphonates. "A separate study found that" bone densitometry (DXA) scans show the bending potential in the hip joint arthroplasty in patients receiving treatment for osteoporosis bisphosphonates. "

FDA is currently reviewing whether prolonged use of these drugs increases the risk of atypical podvertelnyh hip fractures, but so far, the agency reports," analyzed showed no clear link. "

Remember, like all our products we provide information, not medical advice. For any treatment of their own health you should visit your local doctor, with or without our article [s]. These articles are not treated as a separate medical advice.

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